COVID-19 is spreading quickly within the St. Louis Region, exponentially in fact.  We need you to ask yourself a question: Are you doing Whatever It Takes to prevent the spread of this virus?  Are you abiding by the orders to stay at home and shelter in place?  Are you limiting your time in public areas only to essential activities such as trips to the pharmacy & grocery store, doctor appointments, and working only if you are an essential worker?  If you must go out, are you practicing social distancing and keeping 6-feet of space between yourself and others at all times?    Are you taking time to wash your hands as much as possible?  Are you taking the COVID-19 pandemic seriously?  You certainly should be - the health and safety of your family, our family and our community depends on it!  So do Whatever It Takes.  Let’s all work together to slow the spread of COVID-19 and “flatten the curve”.  Together we can do this.  Make sure that you do your part!
