The history of Emergency Medical Services in the Pattonville Fire Protection District is relatively young but has grown up very quickly. In 1981 we saw a need to provide the community with emergency medical care. Six paramedics were hired, and an ambulance was purchased. This ambulance was staffed with paramedics 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
By 1986, the paramedics had proven their worth in providing a level of emergency care that was ahead of its time. During the eighties, Earth City and the Riverport areas saw a period of distinct growth that created an additional volume of emergency calls. As Pattonville’s lone ambulance quickly became overextended, the District’s residents approved an Emergency Medical Services tax levy that allowed the District to hire more paramedics with the plan of adding a second ambulance.
In 1990, the Pattonville Fire District was able to expand its emergency services by building a new fire station and staffing an additional ambulance and fire truck. Between the years of 1988 and 1991 the Fire District hired fifteen employees to staff the new fire house and the second ambulance. Of the fifteen employees hired, eight were paramedics and three were emergency medical technicians. Today, the District employees 63 uniformed personnel, of which 61 are paramedics and two are emergency medical technicians.
Through our dedication to doing Whatever It Takes, we strive to provide the highest level of protection for our residents and those that work in or visit our community. Today we are proud to say that every vehicle that the District owns is equipped to respond to a medical emergency and provide the highest level of advanced life support care available outside of the hospital setting.
Pattonville’s original ambulance, placed in service in 1986.
One of Pattonville’s three current ambulances, placed in service in January 2020.