Each and every firefighter employed by a fire department or fire protection district in St. Louis County, MO, must be a trained and certified graduate of the St. Louis County Fire Academy as dictated by the Charter of St. Louis County. It is a common tradition across the Fire Service for fire academies to name their recruit training classes after an individual or group that has made or continues to make a significant impact on the fire service, or those who made the ultimate sacrifice and lost their life in the line of duty while protecting and serving others. In St. Louis County, this tradition runs deep, and the list of class honorees is long and distinguished. Several members of the Pattonville Fire Protection District have had the privilege of receiving this honor.

Today, our Fire District has once again had the honor and privilege of having the St. Louis County Fire Academy Class Honoree named after a member of our agency. Mr. William “Bill” Esterline, Chairman of the Pattonville Fire Protection District Board of Directors, has been chosen as the honoree for the current recruit class completing their initial firefighter training at the St. Louis County Fire Academy. Chairman Esterline has devoted an immeasurable amount of time, dedication, devotion and passion into ensuring that our community receives the very best fire, rescue and EMS services available at all levels. His efforts extend outside Pattonville’s borders into neighboring fire service agencies and the St. Louis Metropolitan Area as a whole. Chairman Esterline has served as a Bridgeton City Councilman, a Commissioner at Lambert St. Louis International Airport, a member of the DePaul Hospital Advisory Board, and as a Pattonville Fire District Director.

Chairman Esterline’s experience, dedication, the trust of our community, and his proven ability to lead at many levels make him an incredibly deserving recipient of this honor. Congratulations, Mr. Chairman! You continue to set the mark for all of us and embody the phrase “Pattonville Proud!”
